2.1.7 Sink Data Conversion

Since DGI only can handle 8-bit values natively, all values received by DGI are remapped according to the rules in the following table.
Table 2-8. Data Conversion
Data TypeConversion
Int8Cast to uint8. 2ʼs complement value is retained.
Int162ʼs complement value is retained. Split into two uint8 values. Big endian.
Uint16Split into two uint8 values. Big endian.
Int322ʼs complement value is retained. Split into four uint8 values. Big endian.
Uint32Split into four uint8 values. Big endian.
FloatCast to Int32
DoubleCast to Int32
XY8X-value sent first, then Y-value
XYu8X-value sent first, then Y-value
XY16X-value sent first, then Y-value
XYu16X-value sent first, then Y-value
XY32X-value sent first, then Y-value
XYu32X-value sent first, then Y-value
XYFloatX-value sent first, then Y-value
XYDoubleX-value sent first, then Y-value
StringThe ASCII values of each character is sent. A null termination is added.
StringFloatSent as a Int32 with the string following
BooleanFalse is sent as 0, true as 1