3.1.3 AC Characteristics and Timing Parameters

The information contained in this section defines the RNWF11 Module AC characteristics and timing parameters.
Figure 3-1. Load Conditions for Device Timing Specifications
Table 3-10. Capacitive Loading Requirements on Output Pins


Standard Operating Conditions: 2.97V to 3.63V (Unless Otherwise Stated)

Operating Temperature: -40°C ≤ TA ≤ +85ºC

Parameter No.SymbolCharacteristicsMin.Typ.(1)Max.UnitsConditions
DO56ClAll I/O pins (except pins used as CxOUT)50pF
DO58CbSCLx, SDAx400pFI2C mode
  1. Data in the Typ. column is at 3.3V, +25°C unless otherwise stated.

Table 3-11. I/O Timing Requirements


Standard Operating Conditions: 2.97V to 3.63V (Unless Otherwise Stated)

Operating Temperature: -40°C ≤ TA ≤ +85ºC

Parameter No.SymbolCharacteristics(2)Min.Typ.(1)Max.UnitsConditions

Port output rise time

I/O pins:

4x source driver pins -

RA4, RA5, RA10, RA13, RA14, RB4-RB7, RC9-RC12, RK1, RK4-RK7, RK12
9.5nsCLOAD = 50 pF
6nsCLOAD = 20 pF

Port output rise time

I/O pins:

8x source driver pins -

RA1, RC8, RC9, RC13, RC14, RC15, RK13, RK14
8nsCLOAD = 50 pF
6nsCLOAD = 20 pF

Port output fall time

I/O pins:

4x source driver pins -

RA10, RB4-RB7, RB9, RB12, RC9-RC12, RK12
9.5nsCLOAD = 50 pF
6nsCLOAD = 20 pF

Port output fall time

I/O pins:

8x source driver pins -

RA1, RC8, RC9, RC13-RC15, RK13, RK14
8nsCLOAD = 50 pF
6nsCLOAD = 20 pF
DI35TINPINTx pin high or low time5ns
DI40TRBPCNx high or low time (input)5ns
  1. Data in the Typ. column is at 3.3V, +25°C unless otherwise stated.

  2. This parameter is characterized but not tested in manufacturing.

Figure 3-2. I/O Timing Characteristics
Note: For more details on load conditions, see Figure 3-1.
Table 3-12. ADC Module Specifications(1, 2)


Standard Operating Conditions: 2.97V to 3.63V (Unless Otherwise Stated)

Operating Temperature: -40°C ≤ TA ≤ +85ºC

Parameter No.SymbolCharacteristicsMin.Typ.Max.UnitsConditions
Device Supply
AD01AVDDModule VDD supplyVDD–0.3VDD + 0.3V
AD02AVSSModule VSS supplyVSSVSS + 0.3V
Reference Inputs
AD05VREFHReference voltage highAVDDV(1)
AD06VREFLReference voltage lowAVSSV(1)

Absolute reference voltage


AVDD–0.3AVDD + 0.3V(2)
AD08IREFCurrent drain102µAPer ADCx (‘x’ = 0-4, 7)
Analog Input
AD12VINH- VINLFull-Scale input spanVREFLVREFHV
AD13VINLAbsolute VINL input voltageAVSSVREFLV
AD14VINHAbsolute VINH input voltageAVSSVREFHV
ADC Accuracy
AD20cNRResolution612bitsSelectable 6, 8, 10, 12 resolution ranges
AD21cINLIntegral nonlinearity±3LSbVINL = AVSS = VREFL = 0V, AVDD = VREFH = 3.3V
AD22cDNLDifferential nonlinearity±1LSbVINL = AVSS = VREFL = 0V, AVDD = VREFH = 3.3V
AD23cGERRGain error±8LSbVINL = AVSS = VREFL = 0V, AVDD = VREFH = 3.3V
AD24cEOFFOffset error±4LSbVINL = AVSS = 0V, AVDD = 3.3V
Dynamic Performance
AD31bSINADSignal to noise and distortion67dBSingle-ended(4)(5)
AD34bENOBEffective number of bits10.5bits(4)(5)
  1. The ADC module is functional at VBORMIN < VDD < VDDMIN but with degraded performance. Unless otherwise stated, module functionality is guaranteed but not characterized.

  2. ADC performance is measured in the MCU mode only.

  3. These parameters are not characterized or tested in manufacturing.

  4. These parameters are characterized but not tested in manufacturing.

  5. Characterized with a 1 kHz sine wave.