37.7.1 CPCON

Charge Pump Control Register
Offset: 0x100D

Bit 76543210 
Access R/WR/WR/WRRR 
Reset 000000 

Bits 7:6 – CPON[1:0]

Charge Pump Enable
11 Charge pump is enabled
10 Charge pump is automatically enabled when VDD < VAUTO (VAUTO = 4.096V)
01 Charge pump is automatically enabled when an analog peripheral is enabled (ADCON0.ON = 1) and VDD < VAUTO
00 Charge pump is disabled

Bit 5 – CPOS

Charge Pump Oscillator Selection
1 Charge pump clock is the internal charge pump oscillator
0 When ADC GO bit = 1 Charge pump clock is FOSC (oscillator frequency determined by ADCLK)
0 When ADC GO bit = 0 Charge pump clock is the ADCRC

Bit 2 – CPREQ

Charge Pump Request Status
1 Charge pump has been requested by an analog peripheral
0 Charge pump has not been requested by an analog peripheral

Bit 1 – CPT

Charge Pump Threshold
1 VDD is above the charge pump auto-enable threshold (VAUTO)
0 VDD is below the charge pump auto-enable threshold (VAUTO)

Bit 0 – CPRDY

Charge Pump Ready Status
1 Charge pump has reached a steady-state operation
0 Charge pump is off or has not reached a steady-state operation