4.5.6 Graph Illustration: All Modes Difference

Noise suppression result on DC signal with random noise in all modes is illustrated in one graph in Figure 4-26.

Figure 4-26. Graph Illustration: All Modes Difference
Table 4-7. Difference
BasicAccumulateAverageBurst AverageLPF
ProsThe number of samples to be accumulated for averaging is not limited whereas it is limited to 64 for other ADC2 modes.ADACC register gives accumulated values of up to 64 samples and ADFLTR register gives an average value of all the accumulated samples so, software overhead can be avoided.No software overhead for sample accumulation and averaging as ADACC and ADFLTR registers are available.Noise suppression from an AC signal can be achieved. No software overhead while averaging.Removes unwanted high frequency signals from an AC input signal.
ConsSoftware overhead of accumulating and averaging needs to be handled in code.The number of samples accumulated check and clearing of ADACC registers need to be handed in code.The number of samples to be accumulated is limited to 64.Noise reduction comparatively less effective. ADC sampling rate is affected by the number of samples accumulated in a single burst.The ADCRS bits act as an RC time constant in DC signals. With increased ADCRS, the time it takes for the filtered output to achieve a steady state increases.