Power Consumption

Backup mode configuration and measurements are defined as follows:
  • RTC is running.
  • Current measurement is as shown in the following figure.
Figure 74-52. Measurement on VBAT
Table 74-77. Current Consumption on VBAT
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Max Unit
IVBAT Current consumption on VBAT

TJ = 105°C

VBAT = 3.6V - Backup mode(1)

600 µA

TJ = 125°C

VBAT = 3.6V - Backup mode(1)

1 mA
VBAT = 3.6V - Normal mode(2)(3) 5 µA
  1. When operating the device in Backup mode at a lower junction temperature (70°C, for example), this current consumption specification can be derated using the VBAT current consumption characteristic shown in the following figure.
  2. The backup area embeds a VBAT-powered power switch which allows the VBAT section to be powered by VBAT (Backup mode) or by VDDIN33 when available (Normal mode). This power switch is controlled by bits CTRL and SOFTSWITCH in the SFRBU_PSWBU register. Refer to “SFRBU Power Switch BU Control Register” in the section Special Function Registers Backup (SFRBU) for more details.
  3. Simulation data

The following figure shows the average Backup mode current consumption measured on a few typical devices.

Figure 74-53. Typical Current Consumption in Backup Mode