11.1.5 Sensitive Traces


The following signals are very sensitive to noise and the user must take care to keep them as short as possible, and keep them isolated from all other signals by routing them far away from other traces or using ground to shield them. Be sure that they are also isolated from noisy traces on the layers above them and below them:

  • XO_N
  • XO_P


The following power supply pins for the ATWILC3000A are sensitive to noise and care should be taken to isolate the routes to these pins from other noisy signals, both on the same layer as the route, and on layers above and below. Use ground between these sensitive signals to isolate them from other signals. It is important that the decoupling capacitors for these supplies are placed as close to the ATWILC3000A pin as possible. This is necessary to reduce the trace inductance between the capacitor and the ATWILC3000A power pin to an absolute minimum:

  • VDDRF_RX (pin #1)
  • VDDRF_TX (pin #3)
  • VDD_AMS (pin #2)
  • VDD_SXDIG (pin #45)
  • VDD_VCO (pin #46)

Additionally, while the VDDC (pin #18) and VBAT_BUCK (pin #24) supplies are not sensitive to picking up noise, they are noise generating supplies. Therefore, be sure to keep the decoupling capacitors for these supply pins as close as possible to the VDDC and VBAT_BUCK pins, and make sure that the routes for these supplies stay far away from sensitive pins and supplies.