11.1.1 Power and Ground

  • Dedicate the layer immediately below the layer containing the RF traces from the ATWILC3000A for ground. Make sure that this ground plane does not get broken up by routes.
  • Power traces can be routed on all layers except the ground layer.
  • Power supply routes must be heavy copper fill planes to insure low inductance.
  • The power pins of the ATWILC3000A must have a via directly to the power plane, close to the power pin.
  • Decoupling capacitors must have a via next to the capacitor pin and this via must be directly connected to the power plane. Avoid long trace for this connection.
  • The ground pad of the decoupling capacitor must have a via directly to the ground plane.
  • Each decoupling capacitor must have its own via directly to the ground plane and directly to the power plane next to the pad.
  • The decoupling capacitors must be placed as close as possible to the pin that it is filtering.