9.5.1 Receiver Performance

The receiver performance under nominal conditions are:
  • VBAT = 3.3V
  • VDDIO = 3.3V
  • Temp: 25°C
  • Measured after the DC blocking capacitor (C19) as in Reference Design
The following table provides the Bluetooth receiver performance characteristics for the ATWILC3000A.
Table 9-6. Bluetooth Receiver Performance Characteristics


Ideal TX

GFSK 1 Mbps – Basic Rate(1)-91.5dBm
π/4 DQPSK 2 Mbps(1)-89.0
8DPSK 3 Mbps(1)-86.0
BLE (GFSK)-92.5
Maximum Receive Signal LevelBLE (GFSK)0dBm
Interference Performance (BLE)Co-channel9dB
adjacent + 1 MHz-3
adjacent – 1 MHz0
adjacent + 2 MHz (image frequency)-28
adjacent – 2 MHz-44
adjacent + 3 MHz (adjacent to image)-38
adjacent – 3 MHz-38
adjacent + 4 MHz-48
adjacent – 4 MHz-33
adjacent +5 MHz-37
adjacent – 5 MHz-33
  1. The data are preliminary.