8.2.2 Current Consumption in Various Device States

The following table shows different device states and their power consumption for the ATWILC3000A. The device states can be switched using the following:

  • CHIP_EN – Module pin (pin 19) enables or disables the DC/DC converter
  • VDDIO – I/O supply voltage from external supply

In the ON states, VDDIO is on and CHIP_EN is high (at VDDIO voltage level). To change from the ON states to Power_Down state, connect the RESETN and CHIP_EN pin to logic low (GND) by following the power-down sequence mentioned in Power-up/Down Sequence. When VDDIO is off and CHIP_EN is low, the chip is powered off with no leakage.

Table 8-2. Device States Current Consumption
Device StateCode RateOutput Power (dBm)Current Consumption(1)
ON_WiFi_Transmit802.11b 1 Mbps17.0272 mA23.9 mA
802.11b 11 Mbps18.5269 mA23.9 mA
802.11g 6 Mbps17.5281 mA23.9 mA
802.11g 54 Mbps16.0234 mA23.9 mA
802.11n MCS 017.0280 mA23.9 mA
802.11n MCS 713.0229 mA23.9 mA
ON_WiFi_Receive802.11b 1 Mbps60.5 mA23.6 mA
802.11b 11 Mbps60.5 mA23.6 mA
802.11g 6 Mbps60.5 mA23.6 mA
802.11g 54 Mbps60.5 mA23.6 mA
802.11n MCS 060.5 mA23.6 mA
802.11n MCS 760.5 mA23.6 mA
ON_BT_TransmitBLE 1 Mbps1.598.6 mA

2.5 mA

ON_BT_ReceiveBLE 1 Mbps69.1 mA2.5 mA
Doze (Bluetooth® Low Energy Low Power)1.4 mA(2)
Power_Down1.25 µA(2)
  1. Conditions: VBAT = 3.3V, VDDIO = 3.3V at 25°C.
  2. The current consumption mentioned for these states is the sum of the current consumed in the VDDIO and VBAT voltage rails.

When power is not supplied to the device (DC/DC converter output and VDDIO are off at ground potential), voltage cannot be applied to the ATWILC3000A pins because each pin contains an ESD diode from the pin to supply. This diode turns on when voltage higher than one diode drop is supplied to the pin.

If voltage must be applied to the signal pads when the chip is in a low-power state, the VDDIO supply must be on, so the Power_Down state must be used. Similarly, to prevent the pin-to-ground diode from turning on, do not apply voltage that is more than one diode drop below the ground to any pin.