26.7.13 Debouncer Prescaler

Offset: 0x34
Reset: 0x00000000
Property: PAC Write-Protection, Enable-Protected

Bit 3130292827262524 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Access RW 
Reset 0 
Bit 15141312111098 
Bit 76543210 
Reset 00000000 

Bit 16 – TICKON Pin Sampler frequency selection

This bit selects the clock used for the sampling of bounce during transition detection.
0 The bounce sampler is using GCLK_EIC.
1 The bounce sampler is using the low frequency clock.

Bits 3, 7 – STATESx Debouncer number of states x

This bit selects the number of samples by the debouncer low frequency clock needed to validate a transition from current pin state to next pin state in synchronous debouncing mode for pins EXTINT[7+(8x):8x].
0 LFREQ3 The number of low frequency samples is 3.
1 LFREQ7 The number of low frequency samples is 7.

Bits 0:2, 4:6 – PRESCALERx Debouncer Prescaler x

These bits select the debouncer low frequency clock for pins EXTINT[7+(8x):8x].
0x0 DIV2 EIC clock divided by 2
0x1 DIV4 EIC clock divided by 4
0x2 DIV8 EIC clock divided by 8
0x3 DIV16 EIC clock divided by 16
0x4 DIV32 EIC clock divided by 32
0x5 DIV64 EIC clock divided by 64
0x6 DIV128 EIC clock divided by 128
0x7 DIV256 EIC clock divided by 256