Register Lock Update

Prescaler (PRESC), FILTER, and CCx registers are buffered (PRESCBUF, FILTERBUF, CCBUFx registers, respectively). When a new value is written in a buffer register, the corresponding Buffer Valid bit is set in the Buffer Status register (STATUS.FILTERBUFV, STATUS.PRESCBUFV, STATUS.CCBUFVx).

By default, a register is updated with the its buffer register's value on UPDATE condition, which represents:

  • The next filter transition in QDEC and HALL mode of operation
  • The overflow/underflow or re-trigger event detection in COUNT mode of operation

The buffer valid flags in the STATUS register are automatically cleared by hardware when the data is copied from the buffer to the corresponding register.

It is possible to lock the updates by writing a '1' to the Lock Update bit in Control B Set register (CTRLBSET.LUPD).

The lock feature is disabled by writing a '1' to the Lock Update bit in Control B Clear register (CTRLBCLR.LUPD). When a buffer valid status flag is '1' and updating is not locked, the data from the buffer register will be copied into the corresponding register on UPDATE condition.

It is also possible to modify the LUPD bit behavior by hardware, by writing a '1' to the Auto-lock bit in Control A register (CTRLA.ALOCK). When the bit is '1', the Lock Update bit in Control B register (CTRLBSET.LUPD) is set when the UPDATE condition is detected.