33.7.2 Control B

Offset: 0x04
Reset: 0x00000000
Property: PAC Write-Protection, Enable-Protected Bits, Write-Synchronized Bits

Bit 3130292827262524 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Access R/W 
Reset 0 
Bit 15141312111098 
 AMODE[1:0]    SSDE  
Access R/WR/WR/W 
Reset 000 
Bit 76543210 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 0000 

Bit 17 – RXEN Receiver Enable

Writing '0' to this bit will disable the SPI receiver immediately. The receive buffer will be flushed, data from ongoing receptions will be lost and STATUS.BUFOVF will be cleared.

Writing '1' to CTRLB.RXEN when the SPI is disabled will set CTRLB.RXEN immediately. When the SPI is enabled, CTRLB.RXEN will be cleared, SYNCBUSY.CTRLB will be set and remain set until the receiver is enabled. When the receiver is enabled CTRLB.RXEN will read back as '1'.

Writing '1' to CTRLB.RXEN when the SPI is enabled will set SYNCBUSY.CTRLB, which will remain set until the receiver is enabled, and CTRLB.RXEN will read back as '1'.

This bit is not enable-protected.

0 The receiver is disabled or being enabled.
1 The receiver is enabled or it will be enabled when SPI is enabled.

Bits 15:14 – AMODE[1:0] Address Mode

These bits set the Client Addressing mode when the frame format (CTRLA.FORM) with address is used. They are unused in Host mode.

These bits are not synchronized.

AMODE[1:0] Name Description
0x0 MASK ADDRMASK is used as a mask to the ADDR register
0x1 2_ADDRS The Client responds to the two unique addresses in ADDR and ADDRMASK
0x2 RANGE The Client responds to the range of addresses between and including ADDR and ADDRMASK. ADDR is the upper limit
0x3 - Reserved

Bit 9 – SSDE SPI Select Low Detect Enable

This bit enables wake-up when the SPI Select (SS) pin transitions from high to low.

This bit is not synchronized.

0 SS low detector is disabled.
1 SS low detector is enabled.

Bit 6 – PLOADEN Client Data Preload Enable

Setting this bit will enable preloading of the Client Shift register when there is no transfer in progress. If the SS line is high when DATA is written, it will be transferred immediately to the Shift register.

This bit is not synchronized.

Important: The Preload function must not be used if the Host cannot maintain the SS low until transmission is complete.

Bits 2:0 – CHSIZE[2:0] Character Size

These bits are not synchronized.

CHSIZE[2:0] Name Description
0x0 8BIT 8 bits
0x1 9BIT 9 bits
0x2-0x7 - Reserved