50.2 Features

The following are key features of the HSM module:

  • Advanced Crypto Engine (ACE) for Execution of All Cryptography Commands
  • Fast Crypto Engine for SHA-256, HMAC and AES-CMAC Algorithms
  • Sign/Verify Support:
    • ECDSA – P224, P256, P384, and 256-bit Brainpool elliptic curves
    • ECDSA – SECP256K1 (Bitcoin/Blockchain) curve
    • RSA 2048-bit signature generation and verification
    • RSA 3072-bit signature verification only
  • ECDH/ECDHE/ECBD Key Agreement Support:
    • Elliptic-Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) Support for P224, P256, P384, and 256-bit Brainpool
    • Elliptic-Curve Burmeiseter-Desmedt (ECBD) Support for P224 Curve
  • Internal Symmetric and Asymmetric Key Generation and Derivation:
    • P224, P256, P384, and 256-Bit Brainpool
    • 2048-bit RSA keys
    • AES 16-byte keys
  • AES and RSA Encryption/Decryption Support:
    • AES ECB/GCM Encryption/Decryption Supported directly
    • RSA 1024-bit and 2048-bit Keys Encryption/Decryption Support
  • NIST SP800-90 A/B/C Random Number Generator (RNG)
  • SPI Client Interface