2.5 PHY Data Structures

The following table lists PHY layer data structures.

Table 2-3. PHY Data Structures
PHY_ConfigParam_t EnumSupported PHY configuration parameters of the transceiver
PHY_FrameInfo_tStructPHY_FrameInfo_t holds the data to be transmitted or the data being received by the transceiver
PHY_SleepMode_tEnumSupported Sleep modes of the transceiver
PHY_CSMAMode_tEnumList of supported carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance of the PHY layer
PHY_ContinuousTxMode_tEnumList of supported Continuous Transmission Test Modes of the transceiver
PHY_Retval_tEnumList of supported return status for the PHY functions
PHY_TrxState_tEnumEnumeration for Transceiver States that can be set |
PHY_TrxStatus_tEnumEnumeration for current state of the Transceiver