2.3.6 PHY_TxFrame Function


PHY_Retval_t PHY_TxFrame(PHY_FrameInfo_t *txFrame, PHY_CSMAMode_t csmaMode,
bool performFrameRetry)


Request to PHY to transmit frame


This function is called by the upper layer (MAC/Application) to deliver a frame to the PHY to be transmitted by the transceiver.


PHY_Init() should have been called before calling this function


txFramePointer to the PHY_FrameInfo_t structure or to frame array to be transmitted
txFrame->mpduPointer to the PHY Payload. mpdu should hold the length of the payload(N) + 1 (for length field length)
txFrame->mpduHold the phyPayload
csmaModeIndicates mode of csma-ca to be performed for this frame
NO_CSMA_NO_IFSImmediate Tx and SIFS(Short InterFrameSpacing) between subsequent frames
NO_CSMA_WITH_IFSImmediate Tx and LIFS (Long InterFrameSpacing) between subsequent frames
CSMA_UNSLOTTEDHardware CSMA will be performed before packet transmission with number of retries configured
CSMA_SLOTTEDHardware CSMA will be performed
Beacon Enabled network - Currently not supported by PHY
performFrameRetryIndicates whether to retries are to be performed for this frame
trueSW retry will be performed for macMaxFrameRetries value
falseSW retry is disabled


PHY_SUCCESS - If PHY has accepted the data from the MAC for frame transmission PHY_BUSY - If PHY is busy servicing the previous MAC request


uint8_t txBuffer[LARGE_BUFFER_SIZE];
uint8_t txData[] = "Wireless!!!";
bool performRetry = true;
PHY_FrameInfo_t txFrame;

txFrame.mpdu = txBuffer;
txBuffer[0] = sizeof(txData);
memcpy((uint8_t *)&txBuffer[1], txData, sizeof(txData));

if(PHY_SUCCESS == PHY_TxFrame(&txFrame, csmaMode, performRetry))
    //Frame transmission initiated successfully


The return status of PHY_SUCCESS from PHY_TxFrame function indicate PHY layer accepted the request for initiation of transmission. The actual status of Transmission will be reported to higher layer through User callback function (PHY_TxDoneCallback). This function will give the status as SUCCESS, CSMA_FAILURE, RADIO_UNAVAILABLE or NO_ACK for the previous request.