Current Measurement and Diagnosis

Current sensing in Field-Oriented Control (FOC) is a critical process that involves measuring the motor's phase currents to accurately control the torque and speed of the motor. For more details, refer to Current Measurement Principles.

The 'Current Measurement and Diagnosis' module of Harmony QSpin allows end users to customize motor control software modules to fit their specific project requirements. Currently, the platform supports only the 'Dual Shunt' current measurement method for current sensing.

Graphical User Interface

Current Measurement module GUI

Setting-up Offset Correction

Follow the steps below to configure current offset correction:

  1. Click on the offset correction block in the graphical user interface.
  2. Select the offset correction algorithm.
    Note: Currently, the current diagnosis mechanisms are disabled.
  3. If the static option is selected, configure the number of samples that need to be used to determine the offset.

View Current Scaling

Follow the steps below to view the current scaling value:

  1. Click on the current scaling block to view the current scaling value.
Scaling FactorView the current conversion factor from ADC units to physical values (in Amperes).

If the value is 0, configure the Analog Front End GUI.

Setting-up Current Measurement Diagnosis

Follow the steps below to view the current measurement diagnosis:

  1. Click on the diagnosis block to configure the current measurement diagnosis.
Note: Currently, the current diagnosis mechanisms are disabled.