39.6.5 Events
The DAC Controller can generate the following output events:
- Data Buffer Empty (EMPTY): Generated when the internal data buffer of the DAC is empty. Refer to 39.6.3 DMA Operation for details.
Writing a '1' to an Event Output bit in the Event Control register (EVCTRL.EMPTYEO) enables the corresponding output event. Writing a '0' to this bit disables the corresponding output event.
The DAC can take the following action on an input event:
- Start Conversion (START): DATABUF value is transferred into DATA as soon as the DAC is ready for the next conversion, and then conversion is started. START is considered as asynchronous to GCLK_DAC thus it is resynchronized in DAC Controller. Refer to Digital-to-Analog Conversion (DAC) for details.
Writing a '1' to an Event Input bit in the Event Control register (EVCTRL.STARTEI) enables the corresponding action on an input event. Writing a '0' to this bit disables the corresponding action on input event.
By default, DAC Controller detects rising edge events. Falling edge detection can be enabled by writing a '1' to EVCTRL.INVEIx.
For further information, refer to the 28 Event System (EVSYS).