20.3.4 Signature Section

The signature section is a dedicated memory area used for storing miscellaneous device information, such as the device signature. Most of this memory section is reserved for internal use.

ATtiny102/ATtiny104 have a three-byte signature code, which can be used to identify the device. The three bytes reside in the signature section, as shown in the above table. The signature data for ATtiny102/ATtiny104 is given in the next table.

Table 20-6. Signature bytes
Signature word addressConfiguration word data
High byteLow byte
0x00Device ID 1Manufacturer ID
0x01Reserved for internal useDevice ID 2
0x02 Reserved for internal use
0x03 ... 0x07Serial number
Table 20-7. Signature codes
PartSignature Bytes
Manufacturer IDDevice ID 1Device ID 2