20.3.3 Configuration Section

ATtiny102/ATtiny104 have one configuration byte, which resides in the configuration section.

Table 20-4. Configuration bytes
Configuration byteOffset AddressConfiguration word data
CONFW0 0x04Configuration word (fuse values- RSTDISBL, WDTON, CKOUT, SELFPROGEN)

The next table briefly describes the functionality of all configuration bits and how they are mapped into the configuration byte.

Table 20-5. Configuration Byte 0
BitFuse valuesDescriptionDefault Value
7:4Reserved1 (unprogrammed)
3SELFPROGENSelf-Programming1 (unprogrammed)
2CKOUTSystem Clock Output1 (unprogrammed)
1WDTONWatchdog Timer always on1 (unprogrammed)
0RSTDISBLExternal Reset disable1 (unprogrammed)

Configuration bits are not affected by a chip erase but they can be cleared using the configuration section erase command (see Erasing the Configuration Section in this chapter). Note that configuration bits are locked if Non- Volatile Lock Bit 1 (NVLB1) is programmed.