10.7.1 Clock Main Settings Register

Offset: 0x37
Reset: 0x00
Property: -

Bit 76543210 
Access R/WR/W 
Reset 00 

Bits 1:0 – CLKMS[1:0] Clock Main Select Bits

These bits select the main clock source of the system. The bits can be written at run-time to switch the source of the main clock. The clock system ensures glitch free switching of the main clock source.
Table 10-5. Selection of Main Clock
CLKMMain Clock Source
00Calibrated Internal 8MHz Oscillator
01Internal 128kHz Oscillator (WDT Oscillator)
10External clock
To avoid unintentional switching of main clock source, a protected change sequence must be followed to change the CLKMS bits, as follows:
  1. Write the signature for change enable of protected I/O register to register CCP.
  2. Within four instruction cycles, write the CLKMS bits with the desired value.