14.4.7 Program Example

The following code example shows how to set port B pin 0 high, pin 1 low, and define the port pins from 2 to 3 as input with a pull-up assigned to port pin 2. The resulting pin values are read back again, but as previously discussed, a nop instruction is included to be able to read back the value recently assigned to some of the pins.
Assembly Code Example
; Define pull-ups and set outputs high
; Define directions for port pins
ldi r16,(1<<PUEB2)
ldi r17,(1<<PB0)
ldi r18,(1<<DDB1)|(1<<DDB0)
out PUEB,r16
out PORTB,r17
out DDRB,r18
; Insert nop for synchronization
; Read port pins
in r16,PINB