52.6.3 Analog Output Mode Selection

The analog outputs can be set to either Single-ended or Differential mode with the DIFF bit in the DACC_MR.

When set to Single-ended mode (DIFF = 0), each DAC channel can be configured independently.

When set to Differential mode (DIFF = 1), the analog outputs DACP and DACN are located on DAC0 and DAC1 outputs, respectively. All operations are driven by channel 0 and activating this channel automatically activates channel 1. Sending a value on channel 0 (DACP) automatically generates the complementary signal to be sent to channel 1 (DACN). The signal sent to the DAC is centered around 2048. For example, sending 3000 = 2048 + 952 to the DAC0 channel will automatically send 1096 = 2048 - 952 to the DAC1 channel.