52.6.5 Conversion FIFO

Each channel embeds a four half-word FIFO to handle the data to be converted.

When the TXRDY flag of a channel in the DACC_ISR is active, the DACC is ready to accept conversion requests by writing data into the corresponding DACC_CDRx. Data which cannot be converted immediately are stored in the FIFO of the corresponding channel.

When the FIFO is full or the DACC is not ready to accept conversion requests, the TXRDY flag is inactive.

The DACC also offers the possibility of writing two data words in one access by setting the bit WORD in the DACC_MR. In this case, bits 11:0 contain the first data to be converted and bits 27:16 contain the second data to be converted. The two data are written into the FIFO of the selected channel. The TXRDY flag takes into account this double write access. Changing this access mode implies first switching off all channels.

Warning: Writing in DACC_CDRx while TXRDY flag is inactive will corrupt FIFO data.