Output Override

The two complementary DTOHx and DTOLx outputs of the dead-time generator can be forced to a value defined by the software.

Figure 50-15. Override Output Selection

The fields OSHx and OSLx in the PWM Output Selection Register (PWM_OS) allow the outputs of the dead-time generator DTOHx and DTOLx to be overridden by the value defined in the fields OOVHx and OOVLx in the PWM Output Override Value Register (PWM_OOV).

The set registers PWM Output Selection Set Register (PWM_OSS) and PWM Output Selection Set Update Register (PWM_OSSUPD) enable the override of the outputs of a channel regardless of other channels. In the same way, the clear registers PWM Output Selection Clear Register (PWM_OSC) and PWM Output Selection Clear Update Register (PWM_OSCUPD) disable the override of the outputs of a channel regardless of other channels.

By using buffer registers PWM_OSSUPD and PWM_OSCUPD, the output selection of PWM outputs is done synchronously to the channel counter, at the beginning of the next PWM period.

Note: Only one PWM_OSSUPD or PWM_OSCUPD operation can be done within a PWM period regardless of the channels affected.

By using the PWM_OSS and PWM_OSC registers, the output selection of PWM outputs is done asynchronously to the channel counter, as soon as the register is written.

The value of the current output selection can be read in PWM_OS.

While overriding PWM outputs, the channel counters continue to run, only the PWM outputs are forced to user defined values.