Endpoint Activation

The endpoint is maintained inactive and reset (see "Endpoint Reset" for more information) as long as it is disabled (USBHS_DEVEPT.EPENx = 0). USBHS_DEVEPTISRx.DTSEQ is also reset.

The algorithm represented in the following figure must be followed to activate an endpoint.

Figure 38-8. Endpoint Activation Algorithm

As long as the endpoint is not correctly configured (USBHS_HSTPIPISRx.CFGOK = 0), the controller does not acknowledge the packets sent by the host to this endpoint.

The USBHS_HSTPIPISRx.CFGOK bit is set provided that the configured size and number of banks are correct as compared to the endpoint maximal allowed values (see the Description of USB Pipes/Endpoints table) and to the maximal FIFO size (i.e., the DPRAM size).

See "DPRAM Management" for additional information.