
This error exists for all endpoint types. It sets the Overflow interrupt (USBHS_DEVEPTISRx.OVERFI) bit, which triggers a PEP_x interrupt if the Overflow Interrupt Enable (USBHS_DEVEPTIMRx.OVERFE) bit is one.

  • An overflow can occur during the OUT stage if the host attempts to write into a bank which is too small for the packet. The packet is acknowledged and the USBHS_DEVEPTISRx.RXOUTI bit is set as if no overflow had occurred. The bank is filled with all the first bytes of the packet that fit in.
  • An overflow cannot occur during the IN stage on a CPU action, since the user may only write if the bank is not full (USBHS_DEVEPTISRx.TXINI = 1 or USBHS_DEVEPTISRx.RWALL = 1).