18.3.2 Signal Names

Depending on the MODE settings, DATA is latched in different internal registers.

Table 18-2. Mode Coding
0000CMDECommand Register
0001ADDR0Address Register LSBs
0100ADDR3Address Register MSBs
0101DATAData Register
DefaultIDLENo register

When MODE is equal to CMDE, then a new command (strobed on DATA[15:0] signals) is stored in the command register.

Table 18-3. Command Bit Coding
DATA[15:0]SymbolCommand Executed
0x0011READRead Flash
0x0012WPWrite Page Flash
0x0022WPLWrite Page and Lock Flash
0x0032EWPErase Page and Write Page
0x0042EWPLErase Page and Write Page then Lock
0x0013EAErase All
0x0014SLBSet Lock Bit
0x0024CLBClear Lock Bit
0x0015GLBGet Lock Bit
0x0034SGPBSet General Purpose NVM bit
0x0044CGPBClear General Purpose NVM bit
0x0025GGPBGet General Purpose NVM bit
0x0054SSESet Security Bit
0x0035GSEGet Security Bit
0x001FWRAMWrite Memory
0x001EGVEGet Version