18.3.2 Signal Names

Depending on the MODE settings, DATA is latched in different internal registers.

Table 18-2. Mode Coding
MODE[3:0] Symbol Data
0000 CMDE Command Register
0001 ADDR0 Address Register LSBs
0010 ADDR1
0011 ADDR2
0100 ADDR3 Address Register MSBs
0101 DATA Data Register
Default IDLE No register

When MODE is equal to CMDE, then a new command (strobed on DATA[15:0] signals) is stored in the command register.

Table 18-3. Command Bit Coding
DATA[15:0] Symbol Command Executed
0x0011 READ Read Flash
0x0012 WP Write Page Flash
0x0022 WPL Write Page and Lock Flash
0x0032 EWP Erase Page and Write Page
0x0042 EWPL Erase Page and Write Page then Lock
0x0013 EA Erase All
0x0014 SLB Set Lock Bit
0x0024 CLB Clear Lock Bit
0x0015 GLB Get Lock Bit
0x0034 SGPB Set General Purpose NVM bit
0x0044 CGPB Clear General Purpose NVM bit
0x0025 GGPB Get General Purpose NVM bit
0x0054 SSE Set Security Bit
0x0035 GSE Get Security Bit
0x001F WRAM Write Memory
0x001E GVE Get Version