18.3.1 Device Configuration

In Fast Flash Programming mode, the device is in a specific test mode. Only a certain set of pins is significant. The rest of the PIOs are used as inputs with a pullup. The crystal oscillator is in Bypass mode, an external clock must be provided on the XIN pin.

Figure 18-1. 16-bit Parallel Programming Interface
Table 18-1. Signal Description List
Signal Name Function Type Active Level Comments
VDDIO I/O Lines Power Supply Power
VDDCORE Core Power Supply Power
VDDPLL PLL Power Supply Power
GND Ground Ground
XIN Main Clock Input Input
TST Test Mode Select Input High Must be connected to VDDIO
PGMEN0 Test Mode Select Input Low Must be connected to VDDIO
PGMEN1 Test Mode Select Input High Must be connected to VDDIO
PGMNCMD Valid command available Input Low Pulled-up input at reset
PGMRDY 0: Device is busy

1: Device is ready for a new command

Output High Pulled-up input at reset
PGMNOE Output Enable (active high) Input Low Pulled-up input at reset
PGMNVALID 0: DATA[15:0] is in input mode

1: DATA[15:0] is in output mode

Output Low Pulled-up input at reset
PGMM[3:0] Specifies DATA type (see Table 18-2) Input Pulled-up input at reset
PGMD[15:0] Bidirectional data bus Input/Output Pulled-up input at reset