8.2 Page Write

A page write sequence allows up to 128 bytes to be written in the same write cycle, provided that all bytes are in the same row of the memory array. Partial page writes of less than 128 bytes are allowed. After each byte of data is received, the seven lowest order address bits are internally incremented following the receipt of each data byte. The higher order address bits are not incremented and retain the memory array page location. If more bytes of data are transmitted that what will fit to the end of that memory row, the address counter will rollover to the beginning of the same row. Nevertheless, creating a rollover event should be avoided as previously loaded data in the page could become unintentionally altered. The AT25512 is automatically returned to the Write Disable state (WEL = 0) at the completion of a write cycle.

Figure 8-2. Page Write
  1. This instruction initiates a self‑timed internal write cycle (tWC) on the rising edge of CS after a valid sequence.