ZGP_DataReq_t Structure

typedef struct _ZGP_DataReq_t
 /** \cond SERVICE_FIELDS **/
 //!< Service fields for internal use only, should not be touched by user
 //!< Service fields for internal use only, should not be touched by user
 ZGP_Service_t service;
 /** \endcond **/
 //bool action;
 ZGPD_TxOptions_t txOptions;
 ZGP_ApplicationId_t appId;
 uint8_t eppHandle;
 ZgpSourceId_t srcId;
 uint64_t zgpIEEEAddr;
 uint8_t endPoint;
 uint8_t asduLength;
 uint8_t *asdu;
 uint16_t zgpTxQueueEntryLifetime;
 //! ZGP confirm callback function's pointer.
 void (*ZGP_DataConf)(ZGP_DataConf_t *conf);
 //! ZGP confirm argument structure. Shall not be filled by user.
 ZGP_DataConf_t confirm;


The ZGP_DataReq_t structure defines the input parameters structure for the ZGP_DataReq() function.