typedef struct
    uint16_t                    u16ErasePageSz;     // Erase page size
    uint16_t                    u16ProgRowSz;       // Programming row size
    uint32_t                    u32UmmAddrStart;    // Unified memory model address start
    uint32_t                    u32TotSize;         // Total flash size
    uint8_t                     u8SlotCount;        // Count of slots in memory
    const SLOT_PARAMS *         pSlots;             // Pointer to array of slot structs
    uint32_t                    u32CalIdx;          // Index of calibration data
    const IMG_MEM_INTERFACE *   ifFlash;            // Flash interface
    uint8_t                     u8DevIdCount;       // Count of valid device IDs
    const uint32_t *            pDevIds;            // Pointer to array of device IDs
    uint32_t                    u32DevIdMask;       // Device ID negative mask
    uint32_t                    u32AddrPosMask;     // UMM address positive mask
    uint32_t                    u32AddrNegMask;     // UMM addr negative mask
    uint32_t                    u32BlankCheck;     // UMM addr negative mask


Defines the image memory interface topology defintions