29.9.6 Synchronization Busy

Offset: 0x18
Reset: 0x0000
Property: -

Bit 15141312111098 
       DATA1 DATA0  
Access RR 
Reset 00 
Bit 76543210 
Access RRRRRR 
Reset 000000 

Bits 8, 9 – DATAx  Data x Synchronization Status [x=1..0]

Bit DATAx is cleared when the synchronization of DATA Holding register (DATAx) between the clock domains is complete.

Bit DATAx is set when the synchronization of DATA Holding register (DATAx) between the clock domains is started.

Bits 4, 5 – SERENx  Serializer x Enable Synchronization Status [x=1..0]

Bit SERENx is cleared when the synchronization of the CTRLA.SERENx bit between the clock domains is complete.

Bit SERENx is set when the synchronization of the CTRLA.SERENx bit between the clock domains is started.

Bits 2, 3 – CKENx  Clock Unit x Enable Synchronization Status [x=1..0]

Bit CKENx is cleared when the synchronization of the CTRLA.CKENx bit between the clock domains is complete.

Bit CKENx is set when the synchronization of the CTRLA.CKENx bit between the clock domains is started.

Bit 1 – ENABLE Enable Synchronization Status

This bit is cleared when the synchronization of the CTRLA.ENABLE bit between the clock domains is complete.

This bit is set when the synchronization of the CTRLA.ENABLE bit between the clock domains is started.

Bit 0 – SWRST Software Reset Synchronization Status

This bit is cleared when the synchronization of the CTRLA.SWRST bit between the clock domains is complete.

This bit is set when the synchronization of the CTRLA.SWRST bit between the clock domains is started.