36.13.1 USB Control Status Register Low for Endpoint0

Table 36-89. Register Bit Attribute Legend
Symbol Description Symbol Description Symbol Description
R Readable bit HC Cleared by Hardware (Grey cell) Unimplemented
W Writable bit HS Set by Hardware X Bit is unknown at Reset
K Write to clear S Software settable bit
Name: CSR0L
Offset: 0x1012
Reset: 0x0000
Property: PAC Write-Protection

Bit 76543210 
Reset 00000000 


0 Do not clear
1 Clear the SETUPEND bit in this register. This bit is automatically cleared.

Bit 6 – SERVICEDRXPKTRDY Clear Control Bit

0 Do not clear
1 Clear the RXPKTRDY bit in this register. This bit is automatically cleared.

Bit 5 – SENDSTALL Send Stall Control Bit

0 Do not send STALL handshake.
1 Terminate the current transaction and transmit a STALL handshake. This bit is automatically cleared.

Bit 4 – SETUPEND Early Control Transaction End Status bit

This bit is cleared by writing a '1' to the SERVICEDSETUPEND bit in this register.

0 Normal operation
1 A control transaction ended before the DATAEND bit has been set. An interrupt will be generated and the FIFO flushed at this time.

Bit 3 – DATAEND End of Data Control bit

The software sets this bit when:

  • Setting TXPKTRDY for the last data packet
  • Clearing RXPKTRDY after unloading the last data packet
  • Setting TXPKTRDY for a zero length data packet

Hardware clears this bit.

Bit 2 – SENTSTALL STALL Sent Status bit

0 Software clear of bit
1 STALL handshake has been transmitted

Bit 1 – TXPKTRDY TX Packet Ready Control bit

0 No data packet is ready for transmit
1 Data packet has been loaded into the FIFO. It is cleared automatically.

Bit 0 – RXPKTRDY RX Packet Ready Status bit

This bit is cleared by setting the SERVICEDRXPKTRDY bit.

0 No data packet has been received
1 Data packet has been received. Interrupt is generated (when enabled) when this bit is set.