39.8.5 SMC Write Protection Mode Register

Table 39-11. Register Bit Attribute Legend
Symbol Description Symbol Description Symbol Description
R Readable bit HC Cleared by Hardware (Grey cell) Unimplemented
W Writable bit HS Set by Hardware X Bit is unknown at Reset
K Write to clear S Software settable bit
Name: WPMR
Offset: 0xE4
Reset: 0x00000000
Property: Read/Write

Bit 3130292827262524 
 WPKEY [23:16] 
Reset 00000000 
Bit 2322212019181716 
 WPKEY [15:8] 
Reset 00000000 
Bit 15141312111098 
 WPKEY [7:0] 
Reset 00000000 
Bit 76543210 
Access R/W 
Reset 0 

Bits 31:8 – WPKEY [23:0] Write Protection Key

Value Name Description
ox534D43 PASSWD Writing any other value in this field aborts the write operation of the WPEN bit.

Always reads as 0.

Bit 0 – WPEN Write Protect Enable

See Register Write Protection for the list of registers that can be write-protected.

0 Disables the write protection if WPKEY corresponds to 0x534D43 ("SMC" in ASCII).
1 Enables the write protection if WPKEY corresponds to 0x534D43 ("SMC" in ASCII).