6.2.2 PIC12C67X

  • General Limitations
  • A/D pins may be configured as both analog input and digital output.

    The analog pins (AN0:AN3) may be configured as both analog input and digital output. Values read from pins in this mode will be zero (0), even if a digital output of '1' is put on the pin.

  • Writing to Digital I/Os

Writing to Digital I/Os

Due to pin multiplexing, oscillator settings will override the GPIO functions on GP4 and GP5. Therefore writing to GP4 and GP5 will be dependent on the oscillator settings. The table below shows when pins GP4 and GP5 are writable for each with each oscillator setting.

Oscillator Selection GPIO Active?
ExtRC, CLKOUT no no
ExtRC, noCLKOUT yes no
IntRC, CLKOUT no no
IntRC, noCLKOUT yes yes
HS no no
XT no no
LP no no

Pin functions:



The TRIS register is set to output (0x00) and the ADCON1 register is set to digital I/O (0x07).