20.8.7 Standby Configuration

Offset: 0x08
Reset: 0x0400
Property: PAC Write-Protection

Bit 15141312111098 
Access R/WR/WRRR/WR/W 
Reset 000000 
Bit 76543210 
Access RRR/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 000000 

Bits 13:12 – BBIASLP[1:0] Back Bias for HMCRAMCLP

Refer to Table 20-5 for details.

0 Retention Back Biasing mode (Memory is back-biased when the power domain is in RET mode)
1 Standby Back Biasing mode (Memory is back-biased when the chip is in standby mode)
2 Standby OFF mode (Memory is in ultra-back-biasing mode when the chip is in Standby mode)
3 Always OFF mode (Memory is in ultra-back-biasing mode without condition)

Bits 11:10 – BBIASHS[1:0] Back Bias for HMCRAMCHS

Refer to Table 20-5 for details.

0 No Back Biasing in Standby mode
1 Back Biasing in Standby mode (Memory is back-biased when the chip is in standby mode)
2 Standby OFF mode (Memory is in ultra-back-biasing mode when the chip is in Standby mode)
3 Always OFF mode (Memory is in ultra-back-biasing mode without condition)

Bits 9:8 – LINKPD[1:0] Linked Power Domain

Refer to Linked Power Domains for details.

0x0 DEFAULT Power domains PD0/PD1/PD2 are not linked.
0x1 PD01

Power domains PD0 and PD1 are linked.

If PD0 is active, then PD1 is active even if there is no activity in PD1

0x2 PD12

Power domains PD1 and PD2 are linked.

If PD1 is active, then PD2 is active even if there is no activity in PD2.

0x3 PD012

All Power domains are linked.

If PD0 is active, then PD1 and PD2 are active even if there is no activity in PD1 or PD2.

Bits 7:6 – VREGSMOD[1:0] VREG Switching Mode

Refer to Regulator Automatic Low Power Mode for details.

0x0 AUTO Automatic Mode
0x1 PERFORMANCE Performance oriented
0x2 LP Low Power consumption oriented

Bit 5 – DPGPD1 Dynamic Power Gating for Power Domain 1

0 Dynamic SleepWalking for power domain 1 is disabled.
1 Dynamic SleepWalking for power domain 1 is enabled.

Bit 4 – DPGPD0 Dynamic Power Gating for Power Domain 0

0 Dynamic SleepWalking for power domain 0 is disabled.
1 Dynamic SleepWalking for power domain 0 is enabled.

Bits 1:0 – PDCFG[1:0] Power Domain Configuration

0x0 DEFAULT In standby mode, all power domain switching are handled by hardware.(based on event, DMA trigger, clock request, or AHB transaction request)
0x1 PD0 In standby mode, power domain 0 (PD0) is forced ACTIVE. Other power domain switching is handled by hardware.
0x2 PD01 In standby mode, power domains PD0 and PD1 are forced ACTIVE. Power domain 2 switching is handled by hardware.
0x3 PD012 In standby mode, all power domains are forced ACTIVE.