Establish Connection

The following are the steps to establish the connection:
  1. From the “Serial Ports” drop-down list, select the respective COM port of the device. For example, select COM52.
  2. From the “Baud Rate” drop-down list, select the respective baud rate. For example, select 115200.
  3. Click Connect to continue.
    Figure 8-21. Microchip RNBD Utility Tool OTAPC Tab Connect
  4. The moment the Connect button is pressed, other options on the tool, like Browse, Scan, Disconnect, Connect/Update buttons will be alive, and the DFU tab will be greyed out.
  5. If the connection was successful, selected COM port and baud rate and a guidance to the next step of Browse and select the binary file message will be displayed in console text log.
    Figure 8-22. Microchip RNBD Utility Tool OTAPC Tab Connection Established