Start Bluetooth Low Energy Scanning (F[,<hex16>,<hex16>])

Format: F[,<hex16>,<hex16>]

Use command F to automatically switch the device into central GAP role and start Bluetooth Low Energy scanning.

If no parameter is provided, command F starts the process of scanning with a default scan interval of 375 ms and a scan window of 250 ms. The command F receives two optional parameters that determine the scan interval and scan window. The input parameters are 16-bit hex format. Each parameter (scan interval and scan window) has a unit of 0.625 ms. The scan interval and the scan window values can range from 2.5 ms to 40.959s.

Note: The scan interval must be larger than or equal to the scan window. Use the X command to stop an active scan.
Default 375 ms for scan interval, 250 ms for scan window
Example: F,01E0,0190 // Start inquiry with 300 ms scan interval and 250 ms scan window
Response: Scanning // Start scanning
%<Address>,<Addr_Type>,<Name>,<UUIDs>,<RSSI>>,<Tx PHY>,<Rx PHY>% // Connectable
%<Address>,<Addr_Type>,<RSSI>,Brcst:<Broadcast Payload>% // Non-connectable