Send Transparent Data (IE,<hex16>,<hex16>,<hex8>….)

Format: IE,<hex16>,<hex16>,<hex8><hex8><hex8>……

Use command IE for UART transparent data transmission operation with the multiple remote devices. This command expects three input parameters, which are: a connection handle of the remote device, data length and 244 bytes of payload (maximum). This command only supports Command mode in the single link and multi-link if the remote device supports Transparent profile.

Example:IE, 0071,0004,31323334

// Send the data to the connection handle 0x0071, the data length is 0x0004, the data is 1234

Response:AOK// Success
Err// Not connected or already enable UART Transparent mode
Note: In the multi-link scenario, the entry to data mode is restricted. It always stays in Command mode.