PFC Pause Frame Transmission

Automatic transmission of pause frames is supported through the transmit priority-based pause frame bit of the Network Control register. If bit 17 of the Network Control register is written with logic 1, a PFC pause frame will be transmitted providing full duplex is selected in the Network Configuration register and the transmit block is enabled in the Network Control register. When bit 17 of the Network Control register is set, the fields of the priority-based pause frame will be built using the values stored in the Transmit PFC Pause register.

Pause frame transmission will happen immediately if transmit is inactive or if transmit is active between the current frame and the next frame due to be transmitted.

Transmitted pause frames comprise the following:

  • A destination address of 01-80-C2-00-00-01
  • A source address taken from Specific Address 1 register
  • A type ID of 88-08 (MAC control frame)
  • A pause opcode of 01-01
  • A priority enable vector taken from Transmit PFC Pause register
  • 8 Pause Quantum registers
  • Fill of 00 to take the frame to minimum frame length
  • Valid FCS

The Pause Quantum registers used in the generated frame will depend on the trigger source for the frame as follows:

  • If bit 17 of the Network Control register is written with a one, then the priority enable vector of the priority-based pause frame will be set equal to the value stored in the Transmit PFC Pause register [7:0]. For each entry equal to zero in the Transmit PFC Pause register [15:8], the pause quantum field of the pause frame associated with that entry will be taken from the Transmit Pause Quantum register. For each entry equal to one in the Transmit PFC Pause register [15:8], the pause quantum associated with that entry will be zero.
  • The Transmit Pause Quantum register resets to a value of 0xFFFF giving maximum pause quantum as default.

After transmission, a pause frame transmitted interrupt will be generated (bit 14 of the Interrupt Status register) and the only statistics register that will be incremented will be the Pause Frames Transmitted register.

PFC Pause frames can also be transmitted by the MAC using normal frame transmission methods.