34.7 Peripheral Power Consumption

Default conditions, except where noted:

  • Operating conditions
    • VVDDIN = 3.3 V
  • Oscillators
    • XOSC (crystal oscillator) stopped
    • XOSC32K (32 kHz crystal oscillator) running with external 32 kHz crystal
    • OSC8M at 8 MHz
  • Clocks
    • OSC8M used as main clock source
    • CPU, AHB, and APBn clocks undivided
  • The following AHB module clocks are running: NVMCTRL, HPB2 bridge, HPB1 bridge, HPB0 bridge
    • All other AHB clocks stopped
  • The following peripheral clocks running: PM, SYSCTRL
    • All other peripheral clocks stopped
  • I/Os are inactive with internal pull-up
  • CPU in IDLE0 mode
  • Cache enabled
  • BOD33 disabled

In this default conditions, the power consumption Idefault is measured.

Operating mode for each peripheral in turn:

  • Configure and enable the peripheral GCLK (When relevant, see conditions)
  • Unmask the peripheral clock
  • Enable the peripheral (when relevant)
  • Set CPU in IDLE0 mode
  • Measurement Iperiph
  • Wake-up CPU through EIC (async: level detection, filtering disabled)
  • Disable the peripheral (when relevant)
  • Mask the peripheral clock
  • Disable the peripheral GCLK (when relevant, see conditions)

Each peripheral power consumption details provided in table x-9 is the value (Iperiph - Idefault), using the same measurement method as for global power consumption measurement.

Table 34-10. Typical Peripheral Power Consumption
RTCfGCLK_RTC = 32 kHz, 32 bit counter mode6.2μA
WDTfGCLK_WDT = 32 kHz, normal mode with EW3.4
ACBoth fGCLK = 8 MHz, Enable both COMP116.0
TCx(1)fGCLK = 8 MHz, Enable + COUNTER in 8 bit mode42.3
SERCOMx.I2CM(2)fGCLK = 8 MHz, Enable76.9
SERCOMx.I2CS(2)fGCLK = 8 MHz, Enable36.5
SERCOMx.SPI(2)fGCLK = 8 MHz, Enable70.6
SERCOMx.USART(2)fGCLK = 8 MHz, Enable88.0
  1. All TCs share the same power consumption values.
  2. All SERCOMs share the same power consumption values.