29.3.3 Auto-Wake-Up on Break

During Sleep mode, all clocks to the EUSART are suspended. Because of this, the Baud Rate Generator is inactive and a proper character reception cannot be performed. The Auto-Wake-Up feature allows the controller to wake up due to activity on the RX/DT line. This feature is available only in Asynchronous mode.

The Auto-Wake-Up feature is enabled by setting the WUE bit. Once set, the normal receive sequence on RX/DT is disabled, and the EUSART remains in an Idle state, monitoring for a wake-up event independent of the CPU mode. A wake-up event consists of a high-to-low transition on the RX/DT line. This coincides with the start of a Sync Break or a wake-up signal character for the LIN protocol.

The EUSART module generates an RCxIF interrupt coincident with the wake-up event. The interrupt is generated synchronously to the Q clocks in normal CPU operating modes, as shown in Figure 29-7, and asynchronously if the device is in Sleep mode, as shown in Figure 29-8. The Interrupt condition is cleared by reading the RCxREG register.

The WUE bit is automatically cleared by the low-to-high transition on the RX line at the end of the Break. This signals to the user that the Break event is over. At this point, the EUSART module is in Idle mode waiting to receive the next character.