28.4.4 SSPxSTAT

MSSP Status Register
  1. This bit is cleared on Reset and when SSPEN is cleared.
  2. In I2C Client mode, this bit holds the R/W bit information following the last address match. This bit is only valid from the address match to the next Start bit, Stop bit or not ACK bit.
  3. ORing this bit with SEN, RSEN, PEN, RCEN or ACKEN will indicate if the MSSP is in Active mode.
  4. Polarity of clock state is set by the CKP bit.
  5. I2C receive status does not include ACK and Stop bits.
Address: 0xF94,0xE90

Bit 76543210 
Reset 00000000 

Bit 7 – SMP Slew Rate Control bit

1 SPI Host Input data are sampled at the end of data output time
0 SPI Host Input data are sampled at the middle of data output time
0 SPI Client Bit must be cleared in SPI Client mode
1 I2C Slew rate control is disabled for Standard Speed mode (100 kHz)
0 I2C Slew rate control is enabled for High Speed mode (400 kHz)

Bit 6 – CKE  SPI: Clock Select bit(4); I2C: SMBus Select bit

1 SPI Transmit occurs on the transition from Active to Idle clock state
0 SPI Transmit occurs on the transition from Idle to Active clock state
1 I2C Enables SMBus-specific inputs
0 I2C Disables SMBus-specific inputs

Bit 5 – D/A  Data/Address bit

x SPI or I2C Host This bit is not used
1 I2C Client

Indicates that the last byte received or transmitted was data

0 I2C Client

Indicates that the last byte received or transmitted was address

Bit 4 – P  Stop bit(1)

x SPI This bit is not used
1 I2C Stop bit was detected last

0 I2C Stop bit was not detected last

Bit 3 – S  Start bit(1)

x SPI This bit is not used
1 I2C Start bit was detected last

0 I2C Start bit was not detected last

Bit 2 – R/W  Read/Write Information bit(2,3)

x SPI This bit is not used
1 I2C Client Read
0 I2C Client Write
1 I2C Host Transmit is in progress
0 I2C Host Transmit is not in progress

Bit 1 – UA  Update Address bit (10-bit I2C Client mode only)

x All other modes This bit is not used
1 I2C 10-bit Client Indicates that the user needs to update the address in the SSPxADD register
0 I2C 10-bit Client Address does not need to be updated

Bit 0 – BF  Buffer Full Status bit(5)

1 I2C Transmit Transmit in progress, SSPxBUF is full
0 I2C Transmit Transmit complete; SSPxBUF is empty
1 SPI and I2C Receive Receive complete, SSPxBUF is full
0 SPI and I2C Receive Receive not complete, SSPxBUF is empty
This bit is cleared on Reset and when SSPEN is cleared. In I2C Client mode, this bit holds the R/W bit information following the last address match. This bit is only valid from the address match to the next Start bit, Stop bit or not ACK bit. ORing this bit with SEN, RSEN, PEN, RCEN or ACKEN will indicate if the MSSP is in Active mode. Polarity of clock state is set by the CKP bit. I2C receive status does not include ACK and Stop bits.