12.1 Overview and Features

The WINC has internal serial (SPI) Flash memory of 4 Mb capacity in the ATWINC1500 and 8 Mb capacity in the ATWINC1510. The Flash memory is used to store:

  • User configuration
  • Firmware
  • Connection Profiles

During start-up and mode changes, firmware is loaded from the serial Flash into program memory (IRAM) in which the firmware is executed. The Flash is accessed at other points during run time to retrieve configuration and profile data.

A minimum of 4 Mb Flash is required for OTA feature in order to store both working and rollback images.

The Flash memory can be read, written and erased directly from the host without co-operation with the WINC firmware. However, if operational firmware is already loaded, it is necessary to halt any running WINC firmware first before accessing the serial Flash to avoid access conflict between the host and the WINC processor.