14.3.1 TX (Send Request)

  1. First step in hif_send() API is to wake up the chip.
    sint8 nm_clkless_wake(void)
    	ret = nm_read_reg_with_ret(0x1, &reg);
    	/* Set bit 1 */
    	ret = nm_write_reg(0x1, reg | (1 << 1));
    	// Check the clock status
    	ret = nm_read_reg_with_ret(clk_status_reg_adr, &clk_status_reg);
    	// Tell Firmware that Host waked up the chip 
    	ret = nm_write_reg(WAKE_REG, WAKE_VALUE);
    	return ret;
    Command        CMD_INTERNAL_READ:	0xC4	/* internal register read */ 
    	        BYTE [0] = CMD_INTERNAL_READ
                   BYTE [1] = address >> 8;            /* address = 0x01 */
    	        BYTE [1] |= (1 << 7);               /* clockless register */
    	        BYTE [2] = address;
    	        BYTE [3] = 0x00;
  2. The WINC acknowledges the command by sending three bytes [C4] [0] [F3].
  3. The WINC chip sends the value of the register 0x01 which equals 0x01.
    Command	CMD_INTERNAL_WRITE:	C3		 /* 	internal register write */
    		BYTE [1] = address >> 8;		     /* 	address = 0x01 		*/
    		BYTE [1] |= (1 << 7);			 /* 	clockless register 	*/
    		BYTE [2] = address;
    		BYTE [3] = u32data >> 24;		    /* 	Data = 0x03 		*/
    		BYTE [4] = u32data >> 16;
    		BYTE [5] = u32data >> 8;
    		BYTE [6] = u32data;
  4. The WINC acknowledges the command by sending two bytes [C3] [0].
    Command	CMD_INTERNAL_READ:	0xC4	/* 	internal register read	*/ 
    		BYTE [1] = address >> 8;            /* 	address = 0x0F 		*/
    		BYTE [1] |= (1 << 7); 		/* 	clockless register 	*/
    		BYTE [2] = address;
    		BYTE [3] = 0x00;
  5. The WINC acknowledges the command by sending three bytes [C4] [0] [F3].
  6. The WINC chip sends the value of the register 0x01 which equals 0x07.
    Command	CMD_SINGLE_WRITE:0XC9		/* single word write 		*/
    		BYTE [1] = address >> 16;	   /* WAKE_REG address = 0x1074 */
    		BYTE [2] = address >> 8;
    		BYTE [3] = address;
    		BYTE [4] = u32data >> 24;	    /* WAKE_VALUE Data = 0x5678 */
    		BYTE [5] = u32data >> 16;
    		BYTE [6] = u32data >> 8;
    		BYTE [7] = u32data;
  7. The chip acknowledges the command by sending two bytes [C9] [0].
  8. At this point, HIF finishes executing the clockless wake up of the WINC chip.
  9. The HIF layer prepares and sets the HIF layer header to NMI_STATE_REG register (4 byte or 8 byte header describing the packet to be sent).
  10. Set bit '1' of WIFI_HOST_RCV_CTRL_2 register to raise an interrupt to the chip.
    sint8 hif_send(uint8 u8Gid,uint8 u8Opcode,uint8 *pu8CtrlBuf,uint16 u16CtrlBufSize,
    			   uint8 *pu8DataBuf,uint16 u16DataSize, uint16 u16DataOffset)
    	volatile tstrHifHdr	strHif;
    	volatile uint32 reg;
    	strHif.u8Opcode	= u8Opcode&(~NBIT7);
    	strHif.u8Gid		= u8Gid;
    	strHif.u16Length	= M2M_HIF_HDR_OFFSET;
    	strHif.u16Length += u16CtrlBufSize;
    	ret = nm_clkless_wake();
    		reg = 0UL;
    		reg |= (uint32)u8Gid;
    		reg |= ((uint32)u8Opcode<<8);
    		reg |= ((uint32)strHif.u16Length<<16);
    		ret = nm_write_reg(NMI_STATE_REG,reg);
    		reg = 0;
    		reg |= (1<<1);
    		ret = nm_write_reg(WIFI_HOST_RCV_CTRL_2, reg);
    Command	CMD_SINGLE_WRITE:0XC9		/* single word write */
    		BYTE [1] = address >> 16;	    /* NMI_STATE_REG address = 0x108c */
    		BYTE [2] = address >> 8;
    		BYTE [3] = address;
    		BYTE [4] = u32data >> 24;    	/* Data = 0x000C3001 */
    		BYTE [5] = u32data >> 16;    	/* 0x0C is the length and equals 12  */
    		BYTE [6] = u32data >> 8;     	/* 0x30 is the Opcode = M2M_WIFI_REQ_SET_SCAN_REGION */
    		BYTE [7] = u32data;	   	/* 0x01 is the Group ID = M2M_REQ_GRP_WIFI  */
  11. The WINC acknowledges the command by sending two bytes [C9] [0].
    Command	CMD_SINGLE_WRITE:0XC9		/* 	single word write */
    		BYTE [1] = address >> 16;	   /* 	WIFI_HOST_RCV_CTRL_2address = 0x1078*/
    		BYTE [2] = address >> 8;
    		BYTE [3] = address;
    		BYTE [4] = u32data >> 24;	    /* 	Data = 0x02 */
    		BYTE [5] = u32data >> 16;	
    		BYTE [6] = u32data >> 8;	
    		BYTE [7] = u32data;
  12. The WINC acknowledges the command by sending two bytes [C9] [0].
  13. Then HIF polls for DMA address.
    for (cnt = 0; cnt < 1000; cnt ++)
    	ret = nm_read_reg_with_ret(WIFI_HOST_RCV_CTRL_2,(uint32 *)&reg);
    	if(ret != M2M_SUCCESS) break;
    	if (!(reg & 0x2))
    		ret = nm_read_reg_with_ret(0x150400,(uint32 *)&dma_addr);
    		/*in case of success break */
    Command	CMD_SINGLE_READ:	0xCA		/* single word (4 bytes) read */
    		BYTE [1] = address >> 16;		  /* WIFI_HOST_RCV_CTRL_2 address = 0x1078 */
    		BYTE [2] = address >> 8;
    		BYTE [3] = address;
  14. The WINC acknowledges the command by sending three bytes [CA] [0] [F3].
  15. The WINC chip sends the value of the register 0x1078, which equals 0x00.

    Command	CMD_SINGLE_READ:	0xCA		/* single word (4 bytes) read */
    		BYTE [1] = address >> 16;		  /* address = 0x1504 */
    		BYTE [2] = address >> 8;
    		BYTE [3] = address;
  16. The WINC acknowledges the command by sending three bytes [CA] [0] [F3].
  17. The WINC chip sends the value of the register 0x1504, which equals 0x037AA0.
  18. The WINC writes the HIF header to the DMA memory address.
    u32CurrAddr = dma_addr;
    ret = nm_write_block(u32CurrAddr, (uint8*)&strHif, M2M_HIF_HDR_OFFSET);
    Command	CMD_DMA_EXT_WRITE:	0xC7		/* DMA extended write */
    		BYTE [1] = address >> 16;		    /* address = 0x037AA0 */
    		BYTE [2] = address >> 8;
    		BYTE [3] = address;	
    		BYTE [4] = size >> 16;			/* size = 0x08 	*/
    		BYTE [5] = size >> 8;
    		BYTE [6] = size;
  19. The WINC acknowledges the command by sending three bytes [C7] [0] [F3].
  20. The HIF layer writes the data.
  21. The HIF writes the Control Buffer data (part of the framing of the request).
    if (pu8CtrlBuf != NULL)
    	ret = nm_write_block(u32CurrAddr, pu8CtrlBuf, u16CtrlBufSize);
    	if(M2M_SUCCESS != ret) goto ERR1;
    	u32CurrAddr += u16CtrlBufSize;
    Command	CMD_DMA_EXT_WRITE:	0xC7		   /* DMA extended write */
    		BYTE [1] = address >> 16;			/* address = 0x037AA8 */
    		BYTE [2] = address >> 8;
    		BYTE [3] = address;	
    		BYTE [4] = size >> 16;			   /* size = 0x04 	*/
    		BYTE [5] = size >> 8;
    		BYTE [6] = size;
  22. The WINC acknowledges the command by sending three bytes [C7] [0] [F3].
  23. The HIF layer writes the data.
  24. The HIF finished writing the request data to memory and is going to interrupt the chip notifying that host TX is done.
    reg = dma_addr << 2;
    reg |= (1 << 1);
    ret = nm_write_reg(WIFI_HOST_RCV_CTRL_3, reg);
    Command	CMD_SINGLE_WRITE:0XC9		/* single word write */
    		BYTE [1] = address >> 16;	   /* WIFI_HOST_RCV_CTRL_3 address = 0x106C */
    		BYTE [2] = address >> 8;
    		BYTE [3] = address;
    		BYTE [4] = u32data >> 24;	   /* Data = 0x000DEA82 */
    		BYTE [5] = u32data >> 16;
    		BYTE [6] = u32data >> 8;
    		BYTE [7] = u32data;
  25. The WINC acknowledges the command by sending two bytes [C9] [0].
  26. The HIF layer allows the chip to enter Sleep mode again.
    sint8 hif_chip_sleep(void)
    	sint8 ret = M2M_SUCCESS;
    	uint32 reg = 0;
    	ret = nm_write_reg(WAKE_REG, SLEEP_VALUE);
    	/* Clear bit 1 */
    	ret = nm_read_reg_with_ret(0x1, &reg);
    		reg &=~(1 << 1);
    		ret = nm_write_reg(0x1, reg);
    Command	CMD_SINGLE_WRITE:0XC9		/* single word write */
    		BYTE [1] = address >> 16;	   /* WAKE_REG address = 0x1074 */
    		BYTE [2] = address >> 8;
    		BYTE [3] = address;
    		BYTE [4] = u32data >> 24;	   /* SLEEP_VALUE Data = 0x4321 */
    		BYTE [5] = u32data >> 16;
    		BYTE [6] = u32data >> 8;
    		BYTE [7] = u32data;
  27. The WINC acknowledges the command by sending two bytes [C9] [0].
    Command 	CMD_INTERNAL_READ:	0xC4	 /* internal register read 	*/ 
    		BYTE [1] = address >> 8;		/* address = 0x01 	*/
    		BYTE [1] |= (1 << 7);		   /* clockless register 	*/
    		BYTE [2] = address;
    		BYTE [3] = 0x00;
  28. The WINC acknowledges the command by sending three bytes [C4] [0] [F3].
  29. The WINC chip sends the value of the register 0x01 which equals 0x03.
    Command	CMD_INTERNAL_WRITE:	C3	    /* internal register write	  */
    		BYTE [1] = address >> 8;		/* address = 0x01 	 */
    		BYTE [1] |= (1 << 7);                 /* clockless register	 */
    		BYTE [2] = address;
    		BYTE [3] = u32data >> 24;		/* Data = 0x01 		*/
    		BYTE [4] = u32data >> 16;
    		BYTE [5] = u32data >> 8;
    		BYTE [6] = u32data;
  30. The WINC chip acknowledges the command by sending two bytes [C3] [0].
  31. At this point, the HIF layer has completed posting the scan Wi-Fi request to the WINC chip for processing.