14.3.2 RX (Receive Response)

After finishing the required operation (scan Wi-Fi), the WINC interrupts the host to notify of the processing of the request. The host handles this interrupt to receive the response.

  1. First step in hif_isr is to wake up the WINC chip.
    sint8 nm_clkless_wake(void)
    	ret = nm_read_reg_with_ret(0x1, &reg);
    	/* Set bit 1 */
    	ret = nm_write_reg(0x1, reg | (1 << 1));
    	// Check the clock status
    	ret = nm_read_reg_with_ret(clk_status_reg_adr, &clk_status_reg);
    	// Tell Firmware that Host waked up the chip 
    	ret = nm_write_reg(WAKE_REG, WAKE_VALUE);
    	return ret;
    Command	CMD_INTERNAL_READ:	0xC4	/* internal register read */ 
    		BYTE [1] = address >> 8;	     /* address = 0x01 */
    		BYTE [1] |= (1 << 7); 		/* clockless register */
    		BYTE [2] = address;
    		BYTE [3] = 0x00;
  2. The WINC acknowledges the command by sending three bytes [C4] [0] [F3].
  3. The WINC chip sends the value of the register 0x01 which equals 0x01.
    Command	CMD_INTERNAL_WRITE:	C3	 	  /* 	internal register write */
    		BYTE [1] = address >> 8;		       /* 	address = 0x01 		*/
    		BYTE [1] |= (1 << 7);			   /* 	clockless register 	*/
    		BYTE [2] = address;
    		BYTE [3] = u32data >> 24;		      /* 	Data = 0x03 		*/	
    		BYTE [4] = u32data >> 16;
    		BYTE [5] = u32data >> 8;
    		BYTE [6] = u32data;
  4. The WINC acknowledges the command by sending two bytes [C3] [0].
    Command	CMD_INTERNAL_READ:	0xC4		  /* 	internal register read	*/ 
    		BYTE [1] = address >> 8;			/* 	address = 0x0F 		*/
    		BYTE [1] |= (1 << 7);			   /* 	clockless register 	*/
    		BYTE [2] = address;
    		BYTE [3] = 0x00;
  5. The WINC acknowledges the command by sending three bytes [C4] [0] [F3].
  6. Then WINC chip sends the value of the register 0x01 which equals 0x07.
    Command	CMD_SINGLE_WRITE:0XC9		    /* single word write */
    		BYTE [1] = address >> 16;		/* WAKE_REG address = 0x1074 */
    		BYTE [2] = address >> 8;
    		BYTE [3] = address;
    		BYTE [4] = u32data >> 24;		/* WAKE_VALUE Data = 0x5678 */
    		BYTE [5] = u32data >> 16;
    		BYTE [6] = u32data >> 8;
    		BYTE [7] = u32data;
  7. The chip acknowledges the command by sending two bytes [C9] [0].
  8. Read register WIFI_HOST_RCV_CTRL_0 to check if there is a new interrupt, and clear it.
    static sint8 hif_isr(void)
    	sint8 ret ;
    	uint32 reg;
    	volatile tstrHifHdr strHif;
    	ret = hif_chip_wake();
    	ret = nm_read_reg_with_ret(WIFI_HOST_RCV_CTRL_0, &reg);
    	if(reg & 0x1)	/* New interrupt has been received */
    		uint16 size;
    		/*Clearing RX interrupt*/
    		ret = nm_read_reg_with_ret(WIFI_HOST_RCV_CTRL_0,&reg);
    		reg &= ~(1<<0);
    		ret = nm_write_reg(WIFI_HOST_RCV_CTRL_0,reg);
    Command	CMD_SINGLE_READ:	0xCA		/* single word (4 bytes) read		 */
    		BYTE [1] = address >> 16;		  /* WIFI_HOST_RCV_CTRL_0 address = 0x1070 */
    		BYTE [2] = address >> 8;
    		BYTE [3] = address;
  9. The WINC acknowledges the command by sending three bytes [CA] [0] [F3].
  10. The WINC chip sends the value of the register 0x1070 which equals 0x31.
    Command	CMD_SINGLE_READ:	0xCA		/* single word (4 bytes) read		 */
    		BYTE [1] = address >> 16;		  /* WIFI_HOST_RCV_CTRL_0 address = 0x1070 */
    		BYTE [2] = address >> 8;
    		BYTE [3] = address;
  11. The WINC acknowledges the command by sending three bytes [CA] [0] [F3].
  12. The WINC chip sends the value of the register 0x1070 which equals 0x31.
  13. Clear the WINC Interrupt.
    Command	CMD_SINGLE_WRITE:0XC9			/* single word write */
    		BYTE [1] = address >> 16;		   /* WIFI_HOST_RCV_CTRL_0 address = 0x1070 */
    		BYTE [2] = address >> 8;
    		BYTE [3] = address;
    		BYTE [4] = u32data >> 24;		    /* Data = 0x30 */
    		BYTE [5] = u32data >> 16;
    		BYTE [6] = u32data >> 8;
    		BYTE [7] = u32data;
  14. The chip acknowledges the command by sending two bytes [C9] [0].
  15. The HIF reads the data size.
    /* read the rx size */	
    ret = nm_read_reg_with_ret(WIFI_HOST_RCV_CTRL_0, &reg);
    Command	CMD_SINGLE_READ:	0xCA		/* single word (4 bytes) read		 */
    		BYTE [1] = address >> 16;		  /* WIFI_HOST_RCV_CTRL_0 address = 0x1070 */
    		BYTE [2] = address >> 8;
    		BYTE [3] = address;
  16. The WINC acknowledges the command by sending three bytes [CA] [0] [F3].
  17. The WINC chip sends the value of the register 0x1070 which equals 0x30.
  18. The HIF reads hif header address.
    /** start bus transfer**/
    ret = nm_read_reg_with_ret(WIFI_HOST_RCV_CTRL_1, &address);
    Command	CMD_SINGLE_READ:	0xCA		/* single word (4 bytes) read */
    		BYTE [1] = address >> 16;		  /* WIFI_HOST_RCV_CTRL_1 address = 0x1084 */
    		BYTE [2] = address >> 8;
    		BYTE [3] = address;
  19. The WINC acknowledges the command by sending three bytes [CA] [0] [F3].
  20. The WINC chip sends the value of the register 0x1078 which equals 0x037AB0.
  21. The HIF reads the hif header data (as a block).
    ret = nm_read_block(address, (uint8*)&strHif, sizeof(tstrHifHdr));
    Command	CMD_DMA_EXT_READ:	C8		/* dma extended read */
    		BYTE [1] = address >> 16; 		/* address = 0x037AB0*/
    		BYTE [2] = address >> 8;
    		BYTE [3] = address;
    		BYTE [4] = size >> 16;
    		BYTE [5] = size >>;
    		BYTE [6] = size;
  22. The WINC acknowledges the command by sending three bytes [C8] [0] [F3].
  23. The WINC sends the data block (four bytes).
  24. The HIF calls the appropriate handler according to the hif header received which tries to receive the Response data payload.
    Note: hif_receive obtains additional data.
    sint8 hif_receive(uint32 u32Addr, uint8 *pu8Buf, uint16 u16Sz, uint8 isDone)
    	uint32 address, reg;
    	uint16 size;
    	sint8 ret = M2M_SUCCESS;
    	ret = nm_read_reg_with_ret(WIFI_HOST_RCV_CTRL_0,&reg);
    	size = (uint16)((reg >> 2) & 0xfff);	
    	ret = nm_read_reg_with_ret(WIFI_HOST_RCV_CTRL_1,&address);
    	/* Receive the payload */
    	ret = nm_read_block(u32Addr, pu8Buf, u16Sz);
    Command	CMD_SINGLE_READ:	0xCA		/* single word (4 bytes) read		 */
    		BYTE [1] = address >> 16;		/* WIFI_HOST_RCV_CTRL_0 address = 0x1070 */
    		BYTE [2] = address >> 8;
    		BYTE [3] = address;
  25. The WINC acknowledges the command by sending three bytes [CA] [0] [F3].
  26. The WINC chip sends the value of the register 0x1070 which equals 0x30.
    Command	CMD_SINGLE_READ:	0xCA		/* single word (4 bytes) read		 */
    		BYTE [1] = address >> 16;		  /* WIFI_HOST_RCV_CTRL_1 address = 0x1084 */
    		BYTE [2] = address >> 8;
    		BYTE [3] = address;
  27. The WINC acknowledges the command by sending three bytes [CA] [0] [F3].
  28. The WINC chip sends the value of the register 0x1078 which equals 0x037AB0.
    Command	CMD_DMA_EXT_READ:	C8		/* dma extended read */
    		BYTE [1] = address >> 16; 		/* address = 0x037AB8*/
    		BYTE [2] = address >> 8;
    		BYTE [3] = address;
    		BYTE [4] = size >> 16;
    		BYTE [5] = size >>;
    		BYTE [6] = size;
  29. The WINC acknowledges the command by sending three bytes [C8] [0] [F3].
  30. The WINC sends the data block (four bytes).
  31. After the HIF layer received the response, it interrupts the chip to send the notification that the host RX is done.
    static sint8 hif_set_rx_done(void)
    	uint32 reg;
    	sint8 ret = M2M_SUCCESS;
    	ret = nm_read_reg_with_ret(WIFI_HOST_RCV_CTRL_0,&reg);
    	/* Set RX Done */
    	reg |= (1<<1);		
    	ret = nm_write_reg(WIFI_HOST_RCV_CTRL_0,reg);
    Command	CMD_SINGLE_READ:	0xCA		/* single word (4 bytes) read		 */
    		BYTE [1] = address >> 16;		  /* WIFI_HOST_RCV_CTRL_0 address = 0x1070 */
    		BYTE [2] = address >> 8;
    		BYTE [3] = address;
  32. The WINC acknowledges the command by sending three bytes [CA] [0] [F3].
  33. The WINC chip sends the value of the register 0x1070 which equals 0x30.
    Command	CMD_SINGLE_WRITE:0XC9		    /* single word write */
    		BYTE [1] = address >> 16;		/* WIFI_HOST_RCV_CTRL_0 address = 0x1070  */
    		BYTE [2] = address >> 8;
    		BYTE [3] = address;
    		BYTE [4] = u32data >> 24;		/* Data = 0x32*/
    		BYTE [5] = u32data >> 16;
    		BYTE [6] = u32data >> 8;
    		BYTE [7] = u32data;
  34. The chip acknowledges the command by sending two bytes [C9] [0].
  35. The HIF layer allows the chip to enter Sleep mode again.
    sint8 hif_chip_sleep(void)
    	sint8 ret = M2M_SUCCESS;
    	uint32 reg = 0;
    	ret = nm_write_reg(WAKE_REG, SLEEP_VALUE);
    	/* Clear bit 1 */
    	ret = nm_read_reg_with_ret(0x1, &reg);
    		reg &=~(1 << 1);
    		ret = nm_write_reg(0x1, reg);
    Command	CMD_SINGLE_WRITE:0XC9			/* single word write		 */
    		BYTE [1] = address >> 16;		   /* WAKE_REG address = 0x1074 */
    		BYTE [2] = address >> 8;
    		BYTE [3] = address;
    		BYTE [4] = u32data >> 24;		    /* SLEEP_VALUE Data = 0x4321 */
    		BYTE [5] = u32data >> 16;
    		BYTE [6] = u32data >> 8;
    		BYTE [7] = u32data;
  36. The WINC acknowledges the command by sending two bytes [C9] [0].
    Command	CMD_INTERNAL_READ:	0xC4		/* internal register read 	*/ 
    		BYTE [1] = address >> 8;		     /* address = 0x01 		*/
    		BYTE [1] |= (1 << 7); 		       /* clockless register 	*/
    		BYTE [2] = address;
    		BYTE [3] = 0x00;
  37. The WINC acknowledges the command by sending three bytes [C4] [0] [F3].
  38. Then WINC chip sends the value of the register 0x01 which equals 0x03.
    Command	CMD_INTERNAL_WRITE:	C3	 	  /* internal register write	  */
    		BYTE [1] = address >> 8;			/* address = 0x01 	 */	
    		BYTE [1] |= (1 << 7);			   /* clockless register	 */
    		BYTE [2] = address;
    		BYTE [3] = u32data >> 24;			/* Data = 0x01 		*/	
    		BYTE [4] = u32data >> 16;
    		BYTE [5] = u32data >> 8;
    		BYTE [6] = u32data;
  39. The WINC chip acknowledges the command by sending two bytes [C3] [0].
  40. Scan Wi-Fi request is sent to the WINC chip and the response is successfully sent to the host.