4.2.2 Wi-Fi Station Mode

The ATWINC15x0 enters Station (STA) mode when the host MCU requests connection to an AP using the m2m_wifi_connect or m2m_wifi_default_connect APIs.
Note: m2m_wifi_connect is deprecated from v19.6.1 and above. For more details, see Wi-Fi Security.
The ATWINC15x0 exits STA mode when it receives a disconnect request from the Wi-Fi AP conveyed to the host MCU application via the event callback M2M_WIFI_RESP_CON_STATE_CHANGED or when the host MCU application decides to terminate the connection via m2m_wifi_disconnect API.
Note: The supported API functions in this mode use the HIF command types: tenuM2mConfigCmd and tenuM2mStaCmd. See the full list of commands in the m2m_types.h header file.

For more information about STA mode, refer to Wi-Fi Station Mode.