5.9.5 Limitations

  • Out of 512 KB of Flash in the ATWINC1510, the first sector (of size 4 KB) is used by the WINC for storing the file information for host file download feature. Which means that a total of 508 KB size of Flash can be used by application to store the host file.
  • The feature is only supported in ATWINC1510 since the ATWINC1500 only has 4 Mbit of Flash memory, which means there is no space to store a file.
  • There is no file system and only one file is stored at a time. When the get file is called again, the previously stored file is erased and a new file download is initiated.
  • The WINC OTA firmware download and the Host OTA file download cannot run concurrently.
  • The WINC interprets 404 Not Found error when application attempts to download a broken or dead link and provides the OTA_STATUS_SERVER_ERROR error status. The WINC does not interpret any other message for broken link. The WINC downloads the error message into SPI Flash and indicates Host as file download. It is the application’s responsibility to check if the file is valid.