14.1.2 Response Format

The following frame format is used for responses sent by the WINC device as the result of receiving a Command or certain Data frames. The Response message has a fixed length of two bytes.

The first byte contains two fields of four bits each to identify the response message and the response type.

The second byte indicates the status of the WINC after receiving and, where possible, executing the command/data. This byte contains two sub fields:

  • B0-B3: Error state
  • B4-B7: DMA state

States that may be indicated are:

  • DMA state:
    • DMA ready for any transaction
    • DMA engine is busy
  • Error state:
    • No error
    • Unsupported command
    • Receiving unexpected data packet
    • Command CRC7 error
Table 14-3. Response Format
Response Start4 bitsResponse Start : 4’b1100
Response Type4 bits

If the response packet is for Command:

  • Contains of copy of the Command Type field in the Command.

If the response packet is for received Data Packet:

  • 4’b0001: first data packet is received
  • 4’b0010: Receiving data packets
  • 4’b0011: last data packet is received
  • 4’b1111: Reserved value
State1 byte

This field is divided into two subfields:

DMA State :

  • 4’b0000: DMA ready for any transaction
  • 4’b0001: DMA engine is busy

Error State:

  • 4’b0000: No error
  • 4’b0001: Unsupported command
  • 4’b0010: Receiving unexpected data packet
  • 4’b0011: Command CRC7 error
  • 4’b0100: Data CRC16 error
  • 4’b0101: Internal general error