2.4 mikroBUS Socket

One mikroBUS socket, J503-J504, is available on the development board. This socket can be used to expand the functionality using the MikroElectronika Click board™. The mikroBUS connector consists of two 1x8 female headers with SPI, I2C, UART, RST, PWM, analog, and interrupt lines as well as 3.3V, 5V, and GND power lines.

Table 2-3. mikroBUS Socket Pinout
mikroBUS Pin NumbermikroBUS Pin NameDescriptionPort
3CSSPI Chip SelectPD15
5MISOSPI Host In Client OutPC17
6MOSISPI Host Out Client InPC15
7+3.3VVCC-3.3V powerVCC_P3V3
8GNDReference GroundGND
9GNDReference GroundGND
10+5VVCC-5V powerP5V0
11SDAI2C DataPB09
12SCLI2C ClockPB10
13TXUART TransmitPD13
14RXUART ReceivePD14
15INTHardware InterruptPD18
16PWMPWM OutputPC01