2.4 mikroBUS Socket
One mikroBUS socket, J503-J504, is available on the development board. This socket can be used to expand the functionality using the MikroElectronika Click board™. The mikroBUS connector consists of two 1x8 female headers with SPI, I2C, UART, RST, PWM, analog, and interrupt lines as well as 3.3V, 5V, and GND power lines.
mikroBUS Pin Number | mikroBUS Pin Name | Description | Port |
1 | AN | Analog | PA10 |
2 | RST | Reset | PD21 |
3 | CS | SPI Chip Select | PD15 |
4 | SCK | SPI Clock | PC16 |
5 | MISO | SPI Host In Client Out | PC17 |
6 | MOSI | SPI Host Out Client In | PC15 |
7 | +3.3V | VCC-3.3V power | VCC_P3V3 |
8 | GND | Reference Ground | GND |
9 | GND | Reference Ground | GND |
10 | +5V | VCC-5V power | P5V0 |
11 | SDA | I2C Data | PB09 |
12 | SCL | I2C Clock | PB10 |
13 | TX | UART Transmit | PD13 |
14 | RX | UART Receive | PD14 |
15 | INT | Hardware Interrupt | PD18 |
16 | PWM | PWM Output | PC01 |